the denmother podcast
A podcast about all things motherhood: the gross, the hilarious, the infuriating. We learn from each other, because after all, momming is more fun when we do it together. Hosted by your newest mom friend, the denmother herself, Kyriaki.
the denmother podcast
4.14 Music
This time of year music fills the air - but did you know that music holds a ton of benefits for the listener? On today's brand new episode of the denmother podcast, music expert Sammy Bosshardt helps us understand how we can harness the power of music in raising our kids. Listen in!
Sammy taught at a piano studio starting at age 15 and has taught piano off and on as an adult. She plays the piano, ukulele, a little bit of guitar and has taken voice lessons. She was the music specialist for an educational daycare at Utah State and the music director at an elementary school. Sammy is a mom of three and a huge advocate for music for children.